Blog neglect is a serious problem. I don't mean to, but somehow between being sick, kick starting my weight loss plan, and doing my beginning of the year organizing my blog has sadly been put on the back burner. The good news is I'll have plenty to blog about this week!
It's crazy to me that I've only lived in this house for about 8 months and I'm looking around seeing all the things that already need to be organized. I should mention that I'm a crazy OCD perfectionist who HATES clutter and LOVES to organize. Sad, but true.
When we moved in first thing I wanted to do was paint. Spending most of my life as a military dependant and living in rentals, I was SO sick of white walls. The only thing left undone was my walk in closet. And that is what I have been working on all week. I'm reaching the insanity point. Searching piles of clothes everyday for that shirt I know is in there somewhere is driving me nuts. Thank God last night I got most of the clothes put back in order-yay!
I'm hoping to finish it up today and post pics tomorrow! Next week I'm moving on to my pantry.
Since I hate blogging without posting pics, I'll show you some pics of the house painted-I did 90% of the work, DH only did the high spots for me. (just thought I'd throw that tidbit of info in there:)
This was the "formal dining room." Who needs 2 dining rooms? Especially one not connected to the kitchen. I thought it looked like the perfect library!
I fought hard to put purple in the bedroom, I got one wall. Love it. The other walls are gold. DH doesn't mind the purple wall anymore, he thinks it's funny that I accidentally painted my bedroom my high school colors. *sigh* I still love it.
My blue kitchen/dining room. I matched the walls to my place mats. Really, kitchens and dining rooms just feel like they should be blue.
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