Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Posting to Post

It's been a while since I've posted (holiday craziness) so I thought I'd blog a little blog...

Black Friday was crazy. I went with some friends and we started at 10pm Thursday night and got home 8pm Friday night. I haven't pulled an all nighter like that since I was...well, it's been a long time.

This is my first Christmas owning a house! In honor of that, we've put lights up outside. I'll post pics later. We got them all nice and hung then realized our extension cord was indoor only...sigh. I had just assumed the extension cords by the outdoor lights would be for outdoor use. That would be logical though.

I'm working on a few projects right now...just have to find the time to finish them. (Girl Scouts is keeping me busy) I'll post them as I finish them.

When I started this, I had hoped to post everyday....that's just not realistic for me right now. So, I'll at least post once a week and more when I have the chance.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

One of My Favorite Things

A while back, I found a recipe that has been one of those incredible change your life recipes. Frozen breakfast buritos. Simple, but awesome. I've changed the recipe up to our liking, and now I'm gonna share it with you=)

(Shown is a double batch...cause we go through them FAST!)
Bake a pound of bacon, it needs to be pretty crispy so you can crumble it into the mixture.
Scramble up a dozen eggs.
Cook about half a bag of frozen hashbrowns. I cook them in butter until they are warm, I don't fry them,
Slice up some lunch ham.
Throw it all in a bowl with a cup of sour cream, a tsp each of salt and pepper.

Put a few spoonfulls into a small tortillia, sprinkle on some cheddar cheese...

Roll up....

To store, wrap tightly in foil, put about 6 in a freezer bag and freeze. I let them defrost overnight in the fridge and then microwave for 45 seconds.
It takes me less than 30 minutes to make these from start to finish.

Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Finished!

The shawl is finally finished! It's much smaller than I'd hoped it would be, but it's cute and comfy!

My husband says I look REALLY happy in this picture...honestly I was tired of smiling for the camera. It takes him about 5 tires to get one good shot.

There you have it-my first try at knitting! I should have worn a different shirt, it looks like there are holes. The yarn was grey with white in it.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I've been sick all week. All week...as in lay on the couch and sleep all day sick. I haven't gotten much done. Monday I managed to go to my Girl Scout meeting. My best friend (Angie) left for London-yes London!!!-on Wednesday, so Tuesday we cooked for her and her family. Other than that, I've done nothing.

I have managed to work on the shawl some. While I've found knitting super easy, it's take a lot longer than I had planned. It's almost there though! I'm in love with Lion Brand homespun thread! It's sooo soft and comfy! Seriously-lovin it!

As promised here are the hair bows I made for my nieces. Keep in mind, my youngest niece wanted "MeMouse" bows. She is absolutely in LOVE with Minnie Mouse. She wanted bows "just like MeMouse!"
Her older sister is a bit of a tomboy but I didn't want little sis to get bows and her get nothing. So, I made her some understated bows.

These two were for the tomboy in the family.

And the Minnie Mouse Bows

There you have it! I have another niece I'm hoping to do some for, shhhh-they're for Christmas!

With the holidays knocking at the door (yikes-Thanksgiving snuck up on me!), I'll have plenty of projects to post! This year instead of baking, I'm doing different kinds of chocolates and other goodies!
Hopefully, I'll start to feel better and I'll do a day by day walk through of my holiday season. There's nothing I love more than Christmas-I make it last from the week of Thanksgiving until January 2nd.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Today I'd like to introduce my family!

This is me and my supersweettotallyawesome-husband! And this.....

is Mia and Jack! They are my babies. We've been struggling with infertility for years. I believe God sent Mia and Jack into my life to fill the void. (Mia is the big one=)
We have started the adoption process, so hopefully I'll be adding more family pics soon!

On a crafty note: My shawl is coming along! I'll post a pic as soon as it's finished...I'm shooting for Thursday!
Till then, tomorrow I'll post some pics of hair bows I made for my nieces.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I Will Remember You

November 13, 2010. Sigh. Today is the 3 year anniversary of my younger brothers death. I'm trying not to feel right now, so I'll keep this short and sweet.
I miss you, I love you...can't wait to see you again, and in honor of 3 years I hope Jesus smacks you 3 times on the head for me!
Yes, when I'm missing him I ask Jesus to smack him upside the head. He did, after all, create the sense of humor.
Today I will be face painting at the Girl Scout Carnival. Last year was super boring. I'm hoping that keeping myself busy painting, the time will go by faster. Last year I did the bean bag toss, so I pretty much stood there for hours.
On a crafty note-I taught myself how to knit last night! The shawl is coming along nicely! Knitting is much easier than crochet...much more forgiving too! Who knew? Leave it to me to start off with the hardest.

Friday, November 12, 2010

New Aprons

Last week I worked on aprons....let's see if I can get them posted to show off!

This one was just a panel, but still cute!

This was inspired by a scrapbooking crop I went to. Several of the ladies
there had aprons they used for holding all the extra stuff
they needed. I thought it was an awesome idea
so I made my own!

A good old fashioned around the house apron!

I love the lace on this! Had to show you a close up!

Unfortunately, I can't post this weeks craft-yet. It's a Christmas present I'm working on, so I'll show it soon after the holidays! I'm quit proud of it!
Next weeks project is a knitted shawl...we'll see how that turns out. I've never actually knitted before. I'm great at crochet, so it shouldn't be to hard...right? hmmm, we'll see...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fresh Start

I've been wanting to blog for some time now, but I couldn't figure out what I wanted it to be about. Finally I figured it out. Do what you love. I love crafting, I love my life, I love to travel.
This will be my place to show off what I do. My aprons, scrapping, and anything else "Erin".
It will take me some time to figure out how to work everything on here, so I'm starting out slow.
Tomorrow I'll try my hand at posting pictures of the aprons I worked on last week!